RNDr. Tomáš Vitvar, Ph.D.

+420 48 535 4165
Základní informace
Zabývá se fyzickou geografií, zejména hydrologií s přesahy do hydrogeologie, hydrochemie, ekologie i a příbuzných dispciplín; díky zahraničním projektovým zkušenostem i v mezinárodním kontextu.
Co se týče konzultačních hodin, v akademickém roce 2020/2021 probíhají po předchozí dohodě e-mailem převážně online formou.
Profesní životopis
1997 – Ph.D. v oboru přírodních věd, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Geografický ústav
1990 – RNDr. v oboru ekonomická a regionální geografie, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK
Od 2020 – Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická, katedra geografie (odborný asistent)
Od 2017 – Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador, fakulta věd o Zemi (garant předmětu Hydrologie a vyučující předmětů Hydrologie a Hydrogeologie, od 2020 distančně)
Od 2010 – projektová spolupráce ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební (Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství), ČZU v Praze (Katedra aplikované ekologie), konzultantská činnost pro Mezinárodní agenturu pro atomovou energii v oboru izotopové hydrologie)
2003-2010 – Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii Vídeň (programme officer v oddělení izotopové hydrologie)
2000-2002 – Postdoktorandský pobyt na State University of New York a Oregon State University (projekt v hydrologii)
1998-1999 – Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Geografický a geologický ústav (projektový asistent v hydrologii a hydrogeologii)
1991-1992 – Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, postgraduální kurs v oboru Hydraulic Engineering and Water Pollution Control
- Newman B.D., Aggarwal, P.K., Araguas-Araguas, L-J., Hudcová H., Papesch W., Rank, D., and Vitvar T. 2015. Hydrochemical and Biogeochemical Characterization of the Danube River System Using Isotopes. In: Liska, I., and Slobodník, J.: Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, special volume "The Danube River Basin", Springer 2015, pp. 1-16.
- Aggarwal, P.K., Araguas-Araguas, L.J., Groening. M., Kulkarni, K.M., Kurttas, T., Newman, B., and Vitvar, T. 2010. Global hydrologic isotope data and data networks. In: West, J.B., Bowen, G.J., Dawson, T.E., and Tu, K.P. (Eds.): Isoscapes – Understanding movement, pattern and process on Earth through isotope mapping, Springer 2010, p. 33-51.
- Vitvar, T., Aggarwal, P.K., and McDonnell, J.J., 2005 A review of isotope applications in catchment hydrology. In: Aggarwal, P.K., Gat, J.R., and Froehlich, K.O.: Isotopes in the water cycle - Past, Present and Future of a Developing Science, Springer 2005, p. 151-171.
Publikace v časopisech:
- Villalba Briones, R., Narvaez Gonzalez, M.A., Vitvar, T., 2020. How empathy-based sensitization and knowledge reinforcement affect policy compliance: case study of dolphin watching, Ecuador. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, accepted.
- Alguilar, A., Peňa, E., Vitvar, T., Koepke, R., Menendez-Aguado, J.M., 2021. A comparative study of Mining Control in Latin America. Mining, accepted.
- Frouz J., Bartuška M., Hošek J., Kučera J., Leitgeb J., Novák Z., Šanda M., Vitvar T., 2020. Large scale manipulation of the interactions between key ecosystem processes at multiple scales: why and how the FALCON array of artificial catchments was built European Journal of Environmental Sciences 10: 51–60. Alguilar, A., Peňa, E., Vitvar, T., Mahamud, M.M., Menendez-Aguado, J.M., 2019
DOI: 10.14712/23361964.2020.7 - . Alguilar, A., Peňa, E., Vitvar, T., Mahamud, M.M., Menendez-Aguado, J.M., 2019. A Multi-Index Analysis Approach to Heavy Metal Pollution Assessment in River Sediments in the Ponce Enríquez Area, Ecuador. Water 11(3):590. DOI:10.3390/w11030590
- Zappa, M., Holko, L., Sanda, M., Vitvar, T., Parajka, J. 2019. Thematic Issue on Snow Resources and Hydrological Cycle. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 67(1):1-3. DOI: 10.2478/johh-2018-0027.
- Sanda, M., Vitvar, T., Jankovec, J. 2019. Seasonal Subsurface Water Contributions to Baseflow in the Mountainous Uhlířská Catchment (Czech Republic). Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 67(1): 41-48. DOI: 10.2478/johh-2018-0018.
- Zágoršek, K., Drápela, E., Šmída, J., Böhm, H., Vitvar, T., and Kändler, M., 2018. Geography and its Application in Education Within the Cross Border Cooperation Project "Springs Connecting" (Case Study), USEFUL GEOGRAPHY: TRANSFER FROM RESEARCH TO PRACTICE, Brno, Masarykova univerzita, ISBN: 978-80-210-8907-5, p. 112-118
- Vitvar, T., Kändler, M., Šmída, J., Komínková, D., Ženková Rudincová, K., Drápela, E., Zágoršek, K., Součková, L., Berchová, K., Bílý, M., Böhm, H. 2017. Springs connect people and landscapes – Environmental education in the region Liberec-Zittau. ACC Journal, XXIII(1), 15-27.
- Juras, R., Würzer, S., Pavlásek, J., Vitvar, T., Jonas, T. 2017. Rainwater propagation through snowpack during rain-on-snow sprinkling experiments under different snow conditions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(9):4973-498. DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-4973-2017.
- Ganyaglo, S.Y., Osae, S., Akiti, T., Armah, T., Gourcy, L., Vitvar, T., Ito, M., Otoo, I.A. 2017. Groundwater residence time in basement aquifers of the Ochi-Narkwa Basin in the Central Region of Ghana. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134: 590-599.
- Ganyaglo, S.Y., Osae, S., Armah, T., Akiti, T., Gourcy, L., Vitvar, T., Ito, M., Otoo, I.A. 2017. Application of geochemical and stable isotopic tracers to investigate groundwater salinity in the Ochi-Narkwa Basin, Ghana. Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2017.1322207
- Marx, A., Hintze, S., Sanda, M., Jankovec, J., Ouhlehle, F., Dusek, J., Vitvar, T., Vogel, T., van Geldern, R., Barth, J. 2017. Acid rain footprint three decades after peak deposition: Long-term recovery from pollutant sulphate in the Uhlirska catchment (Czech Republic). Science of the Total Environment, 598: 1037-1049.
- Jankovec, J., Vitvar, T., Šanda, M., Matsumoto, T., Han, L.-F. 2017. Groundwater recharge and residence times evaluated by isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, noble gases and CFCs in a mountain catchment in the Jizera Mts., northern Czech Republic. Geochemical Journal, DOI:10.2343/geochemj.2.0469
- Komínková D., Caletková J., Vitvar T. 2017. Analysis of environmental flow requirements for macroinvertebrates in a creek affected by urban drainage (Prague metropolitan area, Czech Republic). Urban Ecosystems, DOI: 10.1007/s11252-017-0649-2.
- Šanda, M., Sedlmaierová, P., Vitvar, T., Seidler, Ch., Kändler, M., Jankovec, J., Kulasová, A., Paška, F. 2017. Pre-event water contributions and streamwater residence times in different land use settings of the transboundary Lužická Nisa catchment. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 65(2): 154-164
- Kändler, M., Blechinger, K., Seidler, Ch., Pavlů, V., Šanda, M., Dostál, T., Krása, J., Vitvar, T., Štich, M. 2017. Impact of land use on water quality in the upper Nisa catchment in the Czech Republic and in Germany. Science of the Total Environment, 586: 1316-1325.
- Vitvar, T., Šanda, M., Marx, A., Hubert, E., Jankovec, J., Barth, J. 2016. Hydrochemical and isotopic tracing of runoff generation in the small mountainous catchment Uhlířská (Czech Republic), using the NETPATH approach. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, 17(2): 190-198.
- Juras R., Pavlásek J., Vitvar T., Šanda M., Holub J., Jankovec J., Linda M. 2016. Isotopic tracing of the outflow during artificial rain-on-snow event. Journal of Hydrology, 541:1145-1154.
- Komínková D., Nábělková J., Vitvar T. 2016. Effects of combined sewer overflows and storm water drains
on metal bioavailability in small urban streams (Prague metropolitan area, Czech Republic). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 16(5):1569–1583.
- Michel R.L., Aggarwal, P., Araguas-Araguas, L., Kurttas, T., Newman, B.D., and Vitvar, T. 2015. A simplified approach to analyzing historical and recent tritium data in surface waters. Hydrological Processes, 29(4), 572-578.
- Sanda, M., Vitvar, T., Kulasova, A., Jankovec, J., and Cislerova, M. 2013. Run-off formation in a humid, temperate headwater catchment using a combined hydrological, hydrochemical and isotopic approach (Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic). Hydrological Processes, 28(8): 3217-3229. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9847.
- Seneviratne, S.I., Lehner, I., Gurtz, J., Teuling, A.J., Lang, H., Moser, U., Grebner, D., Menzel, L., Schroff, K., Vitvar, T., and Zappa, M. 2012. Swiss prealpine Rietholzbach research catchment and lysimeter: 32 year time series and 2003 drought event. Water Resources Research, 48, W06526, doi:10.1029/2011WR01174.
- Huneau, F., Dakoure, D., Celle-Jeanton, H., Vitvar, T., Ito, M., Traore, S., Compaore, N.F., Jirakova, H., and LeCoustumer, P. 2011. Flow pattern and residence time of groundwater within the south-eastern Taoudeni sedimentary basin (Burkina Faso, Mali). Journal of Hydrology, 9 : 423–439
- Stolp, B.J., Solomon, D.K., Suckow, A., Vitvar, T., Rank, D., Aggarwal, P.K., and Han, L.F. 2010. Age Dating Baseflow at Springs and Gaining Streams using Helium-3 and Tritium: Fischa-Dagnitz System, Southern Vienna Basin, Austria. Water Resources Research, 46, doi:10.1029/2009WR008006
- Vitvar, T., Newman, B.D., Aggarwal, P.K., and Garner, A. 2007. Application of Environmental Isotopes for Studying Stream/Aquifer Interactions in the Danube Basin. Water Science and Technology:Water Supply,7(3), 25-30
- Vitvar, T., Aggarwal, P.K., and Herczeg, A.L. 2007. Global Network Is Launched to Monitor Isotopes in Rivers. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 88(33), 325-326
- Burns, D.A., Vitvar, T., McDonnell, J.J., Kendall, C., Duncan, J.M., and Hassett, J.M., 2005. Effects of Suburban Development on Runoff Generation and Storage Dynamics (Croton River Basin, New York). Journal of Hydrology, 4, 266-281
- Gurtz, J., M. Zappa, K. Jasper, H. Lang, M. Verbunt, A. Badoux and T. Vitvar, 2003. A Comparative Study in Modelling Runoff and its Components in Two Mountainous Catchments. Hydrol. Processes, 17, 297-311.
- Vitvar, T., Burns, D.A., Lawrence, G.B., McDonnell, J.J., and Wolock, D.M. 2002 Estimation of baseflow residence times in watersheds from the runoff hydrograph recession, method and application in the Neversink watershed, Catskill Mountains, New York. Hydrol. Processes 16, 1871-1877.
- Oltchev, A., Cermak, J., Gurtz, J., Kiely, G., Nadezhdina, N., Tishenko, A., Zappa, M., Tishenko, N., Lebedeva, N., Vitvar, T., Albertson, J.D., Tatarinov, F., Tishenko, D., Nadezhdin, V., Kozlov, B., Ibrom, A., Vygodskaya, N. and Gravenhorst, G. (2002). The response of the water flows of the boreal forest region at the Volga's source area to climatic and land-use changes. Phys. and Chem. of the Earth, 27 (9-10), 675-690.
- Johnson, C. A., Richner, G. A., Vitvar, T., Schnittli, N. and Eberhard, M. 1998. Hydrological and geochemical factors affecting leachate composition in municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash. Part I: The hydrology of Landfill Lostorf, Switzerland. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 33, 361-376.
- Vitvar, T. and Balderer, W. 1997. Estimation of mean water residence times and runoff generation by stable isotope measurements in a small prealpine catchment (Rietholzbach, Eastern Switzerland). Applied Geochemistry, 12, 787-796.